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Proven technologies used by iD·One

Fingerprint recognition algorithm

Verification and Authenticity of various forms of scanned IDs.

File storing and sharing system


Technology 01
Digent Fingerprint Algorithm
Digent is a total biometric solution provider in Korea. With its highly sophisticated fingerprint and face recognition algorithm and software and hardware technologies, it has provided biometric authentication system to many public organizations including Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Interior and Security, and National Policy Agency. It also supplied on-line data security and authentication solutions to many companies including Samsung Life Insurance and SPC Group.

Technology 02
Fingerprint recognition Algorithm
Wizione Systems Co., Ltd. is one of the leading companies in image processing technology and biometric authentication solutions in Korea.

Technology 03
Authenticity for Scanned
National ID Card
UseB is an online eKYC authentication solutions. It uses OCR to verify and authenticate ID cards, passports, and driver’s licenses.

Following image provided by UseB

Technology 04
File storing and sharing System
After the user is authenticated, sensitive data files are encrypted and stored on a blockchain where hash keys are used to locate and access files again.
Therefore, it ensures the integrity and security of user’s data.
The user's biometric information, personal data, etc. are managed and controlled solely by the user.
Technology 05
Hybrid Multinet Blockchain
iD·One solution is programmed to include methods to objectively verify blockchain-based user information, contents of the contract, and inquiry results. It fulfills smart contract where contracts can be made without downtime, censorship, fraud, 3rd party intervention, or hacking.
Public Blockchain

Private Blockchain

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